The complete archives of Undead Friend, sorted by Chapter. New Chapters every month. Want to read ahead? $5+ Patrons get to read a full month ahead of everyone else, consider joining the Patreon for cool perks! You can also read bonus comics there not available on the main site.


Every so often we post side chapters on the Patreon. The first few pages of each chapter are free to everyone, but to finish them you have to be a patron of $1 or more. These side chapters offer additional information and situations for the world and characters, but not required to understand the main comic.


One of the Geist tier rewards on the Patreon allows you to ask a UF character a question each month and they will answer it in comic strip format.

All QA comics are free to read by anyone.



You can now read the original version of Undead Friend from 2005, including commentary by NJ. This version is not required to enjoy the current version. There are a lot of similarities but it is a pretty different story, so don’t expect all the things in it to happen in the new version. I stopped updating midway through Chapter 10, so that is as far as we have. It’s pretty bad so be warned.