Starting today we are posting bonus content Mondays and Fridays done by Orion while NJ recovers. For more information read below.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: NJ had a mental breakdown after not being properly treated for their depression, anxiety and PTSD. Drawing and doing most things has been near impossible. We’re working with doctors as best we can but it’s hard right now with everything going to get appointments. We need to take some time off from updating the main comic until we can get a better handle on the situation. The current plan is to take off a month after the second week of August, we wanted to make sure Chapter 17 ended before the break. We’re hoping to start Chapter 18 come September 7th.

We are updating Mondays and Fridays with bonus material written and drawn by Orion that will give added information to the world of UF during the month off. So check back for those starting on the 10th!

Because of pausing the comic I had to pause the Patreon for August as well, which means no income for the month. If you want to help out you can always toss a few bucks our way via Ko-Fi and PayPal Donations.


I’m just going to keep this part here until I find a solution: I’m still working on the “reply” problem in the comments, I cannot get Disqus to work either. Anyone out there really good with WordPress/Comicpress? Cause I have been trying forever to make it so people can reply to each other’s comments but no matter what Plugins I use it never works. It only works for me but I want everyone to be able to hold a discussion if they want. I can’t seem to be able to use the WordPress Forums either. So if anyone thinks they have tips contact me on Twitter, Discord or email ( If someone can help make this happen I’ll draw ya a free picture or something!

For now if you want to discuss the comic I recommend trying out our Discord server. You can talk about pretty much anything on there, and I am on frequently and happy to chat and such. I get lonely easily.

Consider following me on Twitter! I’m online daily and I post frequently; like comic updates, art, WIPs, raffles and more! Orion also has his own Twitter where you can follow his posts about Tabletop RPG’s and his game projects.