Remember to leave a comment! I need them! They really help keep me motivated.

Also reminder that we have a Discord server. You can talk about pretty much anything on there, and I am on frequently and happy to answer questions and such.

Anyone out there really good with WordPress? Cause I have been trying for months to make it so people can reply to each other’s comments but no matter what Plugins I use it never works. It only works for me but I want everyone to be able to hold a discussion if they want. So if anyone thinks they have tips contact me on Twitter, Discord or email ( If someone can help make this happen I’ll draw ya a free picture or something!

I draw a commission for Bryan Morales of his OC Honey protecting Hayako from Argentina. Also we have the inks for July’s Patreon Wallpaper up for viewing.

Spook patrons, Chapter 18 Page 2-4 are up for you to read. You can read a month ahead in the main comic by pledging $5+/month!

Like the comic? Consider supporting us! Even $1 is really helpful! We have several options: Patreon, Ko-Fi, Commissions and PayPal Donations. New Patreon Exclusive comic coming soon, only costs a $1 to read all bonus comics.

Consider following me on Twitter! I’m online daily and I post frequently; like comic updates, art, WIPs, raffles and more! Orion also has his own Twitter where you can follow his posts about Tabletop RPG’s and his game project.