I made another panel art comparison with a preview of a upcoming panel from a near future chapter. Just to show you I am always trying to get better.

The art used in last month’s Patreon desktop wallpapers is available for public viewing in the galleries.

New public Art Video is up for viewing, also there is a new exclusive one up on the Patreon. And speaking of exclusives…

Page 29 of the Patreon Exclusive comic Chapter 0 is up today. As always, the first 6 pages are free to read. In order to read all the pages you have to become a patron, it only costs $1/month to read all the comics! For the Spook patrons, Chapter 15 Pages 18-20 are up on there for you to read. You can read a month ahead in the main comic by pledging $5+/month.

Also consider following me on Twitter. I’m online daily and I post frequently; such as updates for the comic, my artwork (both UF and other),  WIPs and more. You can use it as a alternative way to comment on the comic or give us feedback and DM’s are open.  Orion also has his own Twitter where you can follow his posts about various nerdy things primarily tabletop RPG stuff.