I made a little art comparison recently to show you guys I am constantly trying to improve the comic. Someday, I will not suck.

We received a new piece of fanart last week from the amazing Cope!

I’ve publicly posted a resized version of last month’s Patreon wallpaper featuring Japanese-style Mahalah.

Page 25 of the Patreon Exclusive comic Chapter 0 is up. As always, the first 6 pages are free to read. In order to read all the pages you have to become a patron, it only costs $1/month to read all the comics! As for the $5+ patrons, Chapter 15 Pages 6-8 are up on there for you to read.

Consider following NJ on Twitter. Get tweets about the comic, artwork and other nerdy things. Orion has his own Twitter you can follow too where he posts about tabletop RPG things.