In case you missed it, I recently had to adjust the comic’s update schedule. We now post new pages MWF. You can read why here.


Some new art has been posted, you can find them in my galleries.

Page 20 of the Patreon Exclusive comic Chapter 0 is up today. As always, the first 6 pages are free to read. In order to read all the pages you have to become a patron, it only costs $1/month to read all the comics! As for the $5+ patrons, Chapter 14 Pages 22-24 are up on there for you to read.

Also consider following me on Twitter. I post updates for the comic as well as all artwork I make both UF and non UF related. I also post WIPS for art and comics as well. I’m also open to anyone messaging me on there, and I will occasionally hold Art Raffles and stuff. Orion has his own Twitter you can follow too where he posts about tabletop RPG things.