We’re all holding up great! But it’s not over yet. Stay safe and stay indoors! Read comics!

Orion has had to file for unemployment, and this is all I can contribute, so any support you can spare even $1 is really helpful. We have several options: Patreon, Ko-Fi, Commissions and PayPal Donations.


Welcome new patron MaroonDrops, thank you for showing your support! Also a big thank you WhenWolvesCryOut for their recent pledge increase. We’re officially halfway through the first UF Patreon Goal. When the goal is reached, we’ll update four days a week instead of three.


Remember to leave a comment! They really help keep me motivated, I am not even kidding I really need them.

Spook patrons, Chapter 17 Pages 18-20 are up for you to read. You can read a month ahead in the main comic by pledging $5+/month.

< Now selling masks!

Consider following me on Twitter! I’m online daily and I post frequently; such as updates for the comic, artwork, WIPs, raffles and more! Orion also has his own Twitter where you can follow his posts about Tabletop RPG’s and his game project.