I kinda miss it but a ghost having a staff like that makes no sense. He won’t have that in the new version but otherwise I kept him looking pretty much the same. It’ll be a while still until he shows up in the new version.
Since I’m avoiding making too many real world references I dropped Mahalah being a Casper fan. But I borrowed the name for the cat!
Jacob’s character has changed a lot. His role in UF is different now and much smaller. He won’t show up for a while in the new version.
Raphael and Rufus oddly showed up sooner in the new version.
Back then ghosts were different colors. Mahalah was blue, I think Brigger was purple, Rufus was green and Gale was orange. I made all ghosts white in the new version. I mean it’s a BW comic anyway so kinda pointless to have them different colors.
This whole haunting territory thing isn’t relevant anymore either.
Wylie’s fangs showed up often in his human form in the old version. They’re almost exclusively undead form only now.
I actually drew a modern version of them with their dolls, you can find it in my DeviantArt account.
Technically at least now, reversed ghosts have reflections so she could see herself. No reflections as a ghost though.
God I’m sappy.
How are they cheating? It’s stupid and doesn’t make sense so don’t worry about it.
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