Don’t know why I did the first two chapters with internal monologues of Orrick and Wylie. It’s not a consistent thing and I’m not even sure what I was trying to say.
Newspapers? How OLD is this?
Ghost bodies went back and forth between human shape and tadpole shape. It was more fun to work with the tadpole shape and a good way to illustrate the differences between ghosts and humans so we made them strictly tadpole in the new version. So they can’t fly reversed but they at least get to experience legs.
In both versions Wylie is confused by Orrick’s name. It’s a real name I swear I didn’t make it up. The only name I made up in UF is Brigger’s and I think I found someone with that as a last name in research later so it’s weird but not THAT weird. I was so generic in naming in EE I wanted to be a bit different in this comic.
It IS lame.
Woo look at how BAD my special effects are!
I don’t know like I said it makes no sense.
You get no choice now, the game is a lot less forgiving in the new version.
I was a bit more adventurous with panel layout back then, but also a lot more confusing. Orion stays on top of me when it comes to my panel layout now thankfully.
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