So we posted here about a month ago warning people this was coming. NJ has been struggling with physical and mental health issues for a while, the short break back in August was related to this as well. Thing is, the treatment we tried during that time didn’t take. It only got worse and NJ had to stop drawing for a while in order to just figure this out with their doctor. They’ve been through a lot of different medications and treatments. NJ has crippling chronic depression, PTSD and anxiety issues as well as a chronic pain condition that flares back up time to time. NJ is a mess of a human.
Since this was first announced, we have made progress. We have found something that fixes the chemicals in the brain causing most of the distress. However it also flares up their disability, so we’re trying to find either a medication balance to fix this or get on something new that is similar. There’s a lot of trial and error and long waits corresponding with doctor. Doctors are really overworked right now and it’s not easy to get a quick fix. We are feeling more hopeful though, and should be able to get back to work soon. I have no set return date right now. However, long time readers of my work should know I am good for it. I literally can do nothing else. I came back to webcomics after a 7 year hiatus due to the severe injury and physical therapy so you know that as soon as I can I will be back to work full scale.
There will be no filler from Orion during this break, he just does not have the time. I will still gladly showcase/tweet any fanwork submitted though.
We’re aware we’ll probably lose readers and patrons because of this, we have just had to accept this. NJ will not be pausing the Patreon, it’ll remain running for those who want to help us out. The read-a-month-ahead feature is currently disabled, but all other Patreon rewards are still running for now just with a delay in production. NJ will update people regularly on Twitter, Discord and Patreon.
Thank you everyone who has been a reader or supporter of the comic so far! Couldn’t have made it without you!
Remember to show support by leaving a comment, tossing us a vote or even consider checking out our Discord server! We hang out in there! Say hi!
NJ can’t work due to disabilities, so If you want to help out you can always join our Patreon or toss a few bucks our way via Ko-Fi or via PayPal Donations.
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